Welcome to Dominium

Dominium is a web-based front end for configuring Bind >8 dns server. It allows you to create new dns records, and new dns zones. It will (optionally) autocreate reverse DNS PTR records for A records, and can also create reverse (in-addr.arpa) zones for these PTR records.

There is currently some limited support for automatically updating bind 4.x and bind >8 slave servers whenever a new zone is created or an old zone is deleted. There is also some limited support for multiuser authentication and logging.

Currently all dns record updates are handled through dynamic DNS, so all zones need to be configured to allow dynamic dns updates from localhost.

Currently Dominium must be run on the primary master dns server. Although the dynamic dns mechanism used by Dominium could be used to update records on a remote dns server, Dominium expects to be able to edit the named.conf file locally to add/change/remove zones.

Dominium runs as a perl cgi, and should work with any web server.

Please be aware that this is a very early version of Dominium, and is probably still pretty rough around the edges.

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